Kids Learn HTML: The Getting Started Guide

If you have decided to introduce your child to the world of programming through a course in HTML, then you have made a wise decision. Some may feel that HTML is becoming a little redundant now that content management systems (CMS like WordPress) are so popular. However, even CMS users need a working knowledge of HTML if they want to customize their websites like a professional.

Plus, HTML is one of the few programming languages where you can create a working product using nothing more than the Windows Notepad tool. Added to this, you can create a page quickly and have something to show for your efforts, and in a world where instant gratification maintains a child’s interest, it helps that you can show your child a piece of code, have them save the file and see the results of the code quickly upon opening the file using a web browser.

Start With a Simple Course

Be very careful about starting with a YouTube course. A child’s first introduction into the coding world needs to be handled very gently. Having some bozo talk at your child through a YouTube video is not always the best way to go. Unless your child is an A* child at school, aka learns best by shutting up and listening to a teacher, then you need a better and more effective approach.

Take a look around for a few courses that teach HTML for kids. Look for very gentle starter packs, perhaps that contain games or quick-gratification projects. Again, it is about showing your child that they can type a bit of code and change something very quickly. Later, when your child is a teen and has more patience, you can start to introduce longer and more comprehensive lessons, projects and so forth. 

Notes and Guidance

Here are just a few things you should consider when you start your child’s journey toward becoming an HTML coder. For starters, try to keep the lessons lighthearted and almost fun. Teaching HTML as one would teach a math or science class is not going to yield good results.

No Pressure

You really need to take your foot off the gas. Some kids learn this stuff quickly, and some kids never understand it. Pressure doesn't create diamonds in this case. Try a variety of different approaches rather than overly applying pressure.

Allow Your Child to Quit

Younger children may have a harder time learning to code because it requires an older child’s focus. Stick to the easy stuff, and if your child wants to quit, then re-broach the subject when your child is a teen and more amenable to sitting in front of a screen for hours.

Don’t Opt for Dumbed Down Versions

There is a temptation to go all “Easy mode” on your kids, which is fine, but make sure that everything you teach them is actually applicable to real-world coding.

Recap Old Lessons

The thing about HTML is that its principles make it easier to remember than many other coding languages. However, you need to keep recapping these principles over and over again if you want your child to learn at a fair rate. 

Try to Integrate HTML into Real Life

If you were teaching your kid sign language or Japanese, you would probably use it around the house and in text messages. It is your secret language, so do similar things when teaching HTML. For example, when you are sending a text message and you have a side thought that you would normally put into brackets, you can comment-out your side thoughts instead. 


We are going to Nanna’s tonight <!-- Don’t mention her smell this time -->

Use HTML punctuation to highlight your points. Even silly comments, like how your work boss made you green with envy, you could offer the HTML code for green, keeping the code in italics. It is silly but try to be creative.


Billy has better shoes than me. It makes me <span style="color:green;">GREEN</span> with envy.

When Should Your Kid Start a Course?

Try to complete a few small projects with your kid before you start paying for HTML courses. Try to determine your child’s true enthusiasm for the tasks at hand. There is a “Very” good chance that the coding process isn't the primary draw for your child. Your child may simply enjoy undertaking projects with you. They would be just as enthused about wood burning or flower picking with you. If your child has a true enthusiasm for coding, then consider a learning course. If your child is simply enjoying your company, then try taking the course together and working on it together. Perhaps in that way, your child will learn while also bonding with you. 


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