This Website will Alert You When You can See Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) over Edmonton

When I noticed the buzz on social media last night about being able to potentially see Aurora Borealis over Edmonton, I asked the kids before we put them to bed if they wanted us to wake them up to see the lights.

There was a resounding yes, and a solid two out of three rate of kids who actually woke up to see the lights. As I type this, three out of three kids are still sleeping - still, no regrets. It was a magical hour spent out at Elk Island, with temperatures above zero, and the whole national park filled with people in awe of the lights dancing in the sky. will Tell You When You can See Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) over Edmonton

Sign up for email alerts, at Using those alerts, you can then keep an eye on the website for your best chances to see the dancing lights. Ratings range from green to red - with red being the sign to go, go, go - go outside and look at the sky.

There are two levels of notification: red alerts are issued when there is more than a +70% probability of auroral displays occurring, and yellow alerts provide the same information as red alerts, but include notices of smaller events with a probability of +50% and up.

Which Edmonton aurora borealis notification list should you get on? We suggest getting alerts for a yellow notice, because there’s a good chance the yellow notice is going to turn into red, and you’re going to experience a magnificent Northern Lights over Edmonton show, just like we did last night.

Do you need to find a dark sky to enjoy the lights? No! Of course, the dark sky at Elk Island National Park creates an incredible experience, but we saw the lights, coming back into Sherwood Park from Elk Island, at 230AM, and they vivid in the sky, even in the city!

Happy hunting, friends - let’s get out there and make some magic.


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